Jude Law, the actor who plays professor Albus Dumbledore in Fantastic Beasts, is back to his role as pope Lenny Belardo, on the TV show The New Pope, which is the sequence of The Young Pope, from 2016. The series is exhibited by HBO.

Throughout 10 episodes, the series tells the story of the youngest pope in history, who was also the first North-American to hold the position. The New Pope starts immediately after the end of The Young Pope, when Lenny fell into a coma and the Vaticano needs to choose a new pope, played by John Malkovich (Bird Box). The problem comes when Lenny wakes up and the two popes need to find a way to coexist pacifically.

The New Pope will air in 2020, but the premiere date has not been defined yet. The production’s first trailer was exhibited during the Venice International Festival. The video shows Jude Law resting and wearing swim trunks at the beach while Malkovich’s character, the new pope, is preparing himself to hold the position of leader of the Catholic Church.

Jude Law revealed, during a press conference, that the swim trunks seen in the trailer was not the smaller costume he wore on the series, “There’s actually one scene where I was wearing a napkin. I have a photo of it, because it was truly the smallest costume I was ever given,”, said the actor.


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Translated into English by Caroline Dorigon
Edited by Aline Michel