The Pottermore Correpondent, who is always bringing the best from the Wizarding World for the fans, was with the actor Eddie Redmayne (Newt Scamander) at the MTV Movie Awards, which happened on the last Saturday (9) on Los Angeles. During the award show, the actor introduced a new teaser trailer from “Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them” on a presentation that drews gasps from the audience.

After the presentation, Redmayme was interviewed by the Pottermore Correspondent, where he spoke vaguely about his character, the filming of the movie and a few tiny informations regarding the plot, but always reluctant, not wanting to leak informations.

“What was wonderful about Fantastic Beasts is that it was fully immersive but the shoot was long, it was six months and it was rigorous. I put everything I had into it so, yeah, it’s time for a wee break.”

To check out the full interview, you can click here.