The first season of Strike, the TV show based on the crime novels by J.K. Rolwing’s pseudonym Robert Galbraith, will hit the shelves on the 27th of November, courtesy of Warner Bros. Home Entertainment. With three episodes and a Behind the Scenes featurette, The Cuckoo’s Calling DVD will cost £10.00.
Produced by Brontë Film and TV (The Casual Vacancy), The Cuckoo’s Calling and The Silkworm aired back in August. On statement, BBC seemed pleased with the reception of both public and critics. The third season, Career of Evil, will premiere in 2018, with Tom Burke and Holliday Grainger revisiting their roles as Cormoran Strike and his assistant Robin Ellacott.
Besides the TV show, Robert Galbraith is also working on Lethal White, the fourth novel of the series.