Daniel Radcliffe, who portrayed Harry Potter, debuted as a film producer. His debut occurred in the documentary Circus Kid, about the actor Lorenzo Pisoni, raised in The Pickle Family Circus. The movie is about the non conventional relationship between Pisoni and his father, clown partners since Lorenzo was six years old.
Radcliffe was fascinated by the daring and the danger of the dynamics of growing up on a circus family and proposed to produce the documentary. The actors met in 2007, when they were both in the production of the Broadway show Equus. They developed a strong friendship because of their different childhoods, both in the showbusiness. “We both recognize that, yeah, our childhoods are weird, but we also wouldn’t have had them any other way. We loved them and they made us the people that we are”, Radcliffe told the Huffpost.
The actor also spoke about his relation with the Harry Potter sets. While admitting he wasn’t the best child-actor, he remembers having an advantage for loving it. “I loved being on set”, he remembers. “The greatest thing about being on set is you get to be part of a team. That’s the most special thing about it, and you get to feel like with everyone else you are making this thing together, and I loved that feeling straight away. I think that was definitely what made me a great fit for those films.”
He also told Fox News what’s next for him on the film industry. “I would love to direct at some point down the road. I’ve been saying this for years. I will get around to it eventually”, he said. “I would also love to write. Ideally, I would like to write and direct, but… I don’t want the first thing I make to be s—-y. I want to make sure the script is right. I’m going to take my time working on those things.”
Translated by: Rodrigo Cavalheiro
Reviewed by: Gabriela Benevides