Lifeprint, a company specialized in augmented reality, will release a new line of printers inspired by the Harry Potter series. The new equipment will allow users to print pictures with movement and sound. The initial price is $149,99, and they will be available to purchase on October 2018.

To have access to this new technology, Lifeprint’s app, which is available for free to iOS and Android, must be installed. Using the application, the user records a video; this video will be showcased as an static image that, then, will be sent to the printer. Afterwards, still using the app, just point the phone’s camera to the photo and it will reproduce the video, producing a moving effect on the photo, as in the following preview:

The user will also be able to customize the printer with six different pieces: two Hogwarts crests and one for each Hogwarts house.

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News by: Helga Bannwart
Translated by: Anna Viduani
Reviewed by: Caroline Dorigon